Thanks for taking the time to review my profile. I'm from Houma, Louisiana. I love outdoor activities, and I'm a man of faith. I've been incarcerated since 2001. I've applied myself to every rehabilitative program our system has to offer.
Every day, I strive to be a better person than I was yesterday. I do a lot of community service throughout the year. I train service dogs for veterans who suffer from PTSD or any physical disabilities. The name of our program is Prisoners Assisting Warrior Services (PAWS).
I'm also a Horticulturist. I earned my Horticulture degree at Louisiana Technical College, and I have a state pesticide license. So, whenever I'm not training my service dog, I'm always embracing the beauty of nature.
I'm very active, and I love working out and playing soccer. Thanks for taking the time to view my profile. I will look forward to hearing from you soon.
I've searched the depths of my soul. Consulted with many friends. Searched countless pages of many books. Could someone tell me how to mend a broken heart? Will the pain endure forever? Like a flower, I cry out, Please return me to the place from where I was taken. Here I feel cold, alone, and broken, removed from thy The apple of my eye. Oceans or rivers Will never come between You and I. My soul asked my heart, Why?
Written by Louis Preston