So I’ve been writing to my PP for about a year and a half now. About 9 months ago she mentioned something about me coming to visit her. We talked about it for a while and then she sent me a form to get on her approved visitors list. I filled it out and sent it in. The process took a while but about a month later she wrote to me telling me I had been approved to come see her. At first I was nervous about it because she is out of state and that would be a long way to travel to go see her. Finally about two months ago I worked up the courage to get on an airplane and go see her. I didn’t tell her I was coming because I wanted it to be a surprise. The night before I checked into the Holliday Inn. I decided to go have a few drinks at the hotel bar. At the bar I met a very attractive woman named Burla. Burla and I hit it off and really enjoyed each other’s company. I had such a good time that night with Burla and since my pp did not know I was coming anyways I decided to just spend the weekend with Burla and I would come back and visit my PP some other time. Burla then became very possessive of me constantly calling my phone almost to the point where she was like a stalker. I explained to her when we first met that I was from out of state and would only be in town for the weekend. Eventually I came to the realization that Burla was not the right woman for me and I politely told her over the phone that I would not speak to her anymore. Three weeks ago I went back to visit my PP for real this time. When I got to the prison I immediately recognized one of the CO’s as none other than Burla. I was shocked. I had no idea she was a CO. I tried to keep my head down and quietly converse with my PP, who is awesome btw, but I’m pretty sure as I got up to leave Burla spotted me. Sure enough that night in the hotel I had multiple voicemails from Burla, which I simply deleted without listening to. I went back to visit my PP the next day and I asked her if Burla was working. She told me that Burla was off today. Then about a week later I got a letter from my PP saying Burla was putting money in her account, and giving her all kinds of special privileges and she would keep doing so if my pp could get me to call her again. I really like my PP and I want her time to be as comfortable as possible so I figured I’d call Burla back. Burla was so happy to hear from me so I flew out there again last weekend and spent the weekend with her. Burla told me that as long as I continue to “make her happy” she would do everything in her power to make sure my PP is taken care of. I kind of felt dirty sleeping with this woman because I really do not want to be with her but I know my PP has had it rough and I want to help her in any way that I can. I decided that I’ve been with worse women in my life and I will just get over myself and make the most of it with Burla. My question for you all is should I tell Burla she has bad breath and needs a tic-tac? I don’t want to hurt her feelings but at the same time her breath is awful.
Last post
ROFPMSL..... :nod: be brave tell her.....LOL......thanks for the laugh, seriously!
:rollinglaugh: That is quite the buildup to a question about bad breath. Just tell her!
Is this for real? :alol2:
You cannot possibly expect us to believe this story.
However, perhaps if you put a little more detail into the narrative, you could sell it to a TV production company.
The woman's name is Burla. I'm sure she has had worse things said to her than her breath is bad. LOL, at least it's only her breath since you have committed to spend a lot of time with her. However, since I doubt this is a true story none of this really matters ;)
If this is a true story there is a whole lot more that needs to be said!
My thoughts exactly.
Well it is posted in the correct forum, that's for sure. :rollinglaugh: that's the least of your problems.most trolls at least at TRY to fool us.[B][I]BURLA hehehe haha!!!go get a life dude.oh and moxies right at least you posted this bs in the "games/trivia forum.[/I][/B]
Burla? Seriously? My Spanish is decent enough to translate that, so yeah... good story for the Friday afternoon! Weekend incoming, yay!
I personally thought it was hilarious. :)
Uhhhhhhhhh, *Holy **** Ballz* This story calls for some funny pics.
All he has to do is add some sex to it and it can be sold to an "urban romance" publisher. Trust me, he could probably publish THAT a lot easier than I can publish the stuff I write, LOL!!!!! A new carreer is launched!
This made me smile a lot today really from a mans point ( not being sexist ladies ) I think no man would turn down sex bad breath or not, unless she was a complete swamp donkey,if her breath is that bad by a karma sutra loads of ways there so you haven't go to be face to face failing that buy some garlic bread and share it,LOL seriously tho what's her motive I always thought .... And I know I'll get slated for saying this but " a women needs a reason to have sex, a man just needs a place" sorry if my comments offend didn't mean to LOL sorry
I think some of the replies here are cracking me up more than the *ahem* sorry did. :p
Just hold your breath for the whole 30 seconds it takes, and then run to the bathroom for some fresh air.
I so want to give you some rep lurve for that , but I have been lurving you too much of late, so WAP says I'm cut off...boohoo.
Burla speaks:
...from "Confessions of a Prison Triangle" by Gooddog
Was today the day he would come again? I so hoped that I'd be working visitation. I brought my breath spray and had my uniform adjusted to enhance my ample bosom. I wanted to see him again so badly and yet, the thought of seeing him with HER made my breath catch in my throat. I knew I had to play it cool to keep him. She didn't deserve him, seeing as she was already playing four other guys that he didn't know about. I would let him know, soon, cut her out completely, and have him all to myself. But for now it was a waiting game. For now, it was... a prison love triangle.
:alol2: That is awesome!!!!!!!!! :rollinglaugh:
But if we're going to sell this bullshyt, we've got to get the three T words into this paragraph:
[QUOTE=Silas Sydenham;1046606]Excellent!
But if we're going to sell this bullshyt, we've got to get the three T words into this paragraph:
"Confessions of Prison Triangle" by Gooddog
My throbbing bosom threatened to burst from my bland correctional officer's uniform. I knew he was waiting, turgid, in the visitation area. My teenage lust for him was driving me mad and yet, and yet... I must remain professional, cool. I must not let on that I was involved in...a prison love triangle.
They call me Burla. And this is my story. It began on a night in the Holiday Inn bar. It had been a rough shift at work. I just needed a little something to take the edge off. I swiveled on my bar stool in that way you do when you know someone's been staring. It was he, the man that was about to change my destiny, my mind, and my jaded heart.
A thousand times excellent!
Finish the story. It will become a million seller!
I'm glad you like my romance writer skills!
Now if only I could publish that "serious" crap that I write, ha ha ha!!!!!!!
Who cares about Barbara Cartland? Why the fuss about Catherine Cookson?
We have GoodDog! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Save the serious crap until you're famous. That's what Dickens did. That's what Colleen McCulloch did. (Although we only [I]pretend[/I] to read Colleen's serious stuff.)
Awesome....I want more!
Rofpmsl...I had not heard that one I had to google it, glad I could brighten your day
Just trying to lighten things up around here:rollinglaugh:
I'm working on a screenplay, when things calm down a bit at work I'm gonna finish it and hopefully somebody will be willing to pay for my rubbish
I took 3 years of Spanish in school but cant remember a word of it, I had to google the meaning of Burla
That was a comment I didn't expect. It took me a minute to figure out if you were serious. Then I remembered posting when I wrote to a woman in Taycheedah a while back. I actually have a new pp in a different state now. Well done sir, you almost had me
thanks for coming clean, jim! I'm working on the screenplay, as you can see...
If you publish this one I want royalties:thx:
Seriously though good luck getting published I hope to one day as well