I'm just looking for good idea for womens clothing stores at the moment because I have a few friends of friends getting out. I sent a couple of the usual ones such as CC and Eastbay but then there are a whole heap of other ones I've gone through such as Finish Line, Foot Locker, Burlington, Khols, Buckle and etc that don't do paper catalogs anymore or if they do, do them they only do them twice a year. I want to send a couple in for them to look at in the FBOP but I don't know where to start.
Last post
My mum buys clothes from Lands’ End and she also gets catalogues in the mail from them. Might be worth checking out
Just googled and it looks like you can request a print catalogue if you like
Try Bonprix...UK based or Venus US based..they are middle of the road everyday clothes..with a full price range
Thanks... I've tried a lot of places that are popular these days and because of the internet they don't seem to do the big paper catalogs or even the free magazines they used to do. It sucks on multiple levels, firstly, because the people we write to are pretty much living in a time warp, but secondly because I know how much I used to love looking through purchasing magazines for stock back in the days where my friends and I used to work for skate/surf apparel stores. Going through online pages just isn't quite the same. I mean they don't even offer PDFs or anything like that you can print out yourself anymore.
Both the firms I mentioned will send catalogues
Thank you.