Okay, now on another post everybody is aware of my wanting a visit with my penpal. Now, you all know the story, so I don't want to repeat and have somebody snoring. Well, my penpal calls and said "Did you get the Letter"? Nope I have not gotten the letter. Well, today I got the letter.
Re: and my penpal's name.
Dear Ms. meaning me.
This is to inform you that you have been denied admittance to visit inmate ???? and they give me another name on this letter.
Now, who is watching the hen house may I ask?
Last post
FRankie I am confused,,who has another name? You or the inmate?
Hmmm.....I believe I'd call the facility my friend was in and inquire if there was a mistake. It appears that they ran you through the process, but for another inmate.
Ok, that seems a little strange - did you call the facility and query it?
No, there was 2 different names on the letter. But I will write my "Dear John letter" to the Warden. Yes, I will be tactful. LOL
FRankie help me out because I am as dense as they come,,,the letter was addressed to you with your name,,,in regards to visiting your inmate but it was another inmates name? Or neither your name nor the inmates name was correct on the letter?
so does that mean someone else has your approval letter? Well dont be to hard on the warden i doubt if he stuffs envelopes if its a mix up
Okay wobabi - got your ears on?
Letter is addressed to me.
Re: My Penpal's name.
and his cell number
This is to inform you that you have been denied admittance to visit inmate Smith for the following reason.
Okay I hope that you understand now. LOL
And that is not my penpal.
When i was first approved to visit my pp i went to visit and they told me i wasnt on his list but i had the approval paper saying i was.They wouldnt let me see him so i went home and called and they said i was on someone elses list that i didnt even know. they had messed up and put on the wrong person list and i had to write and get my name off this others mans list and refill out a new app for my pp.So i know all about them making mistakes. I was mad because they wouldnt fix it.
Dang,,so is it a mistake in the denial or just the name,,I hope just the name! In other words its Smith denial that belongs to his chick,,,sad to know its all form letters and pencil pushing but with so many in the system,,it is what it is,,good luck
Hi fran..please dont kill me, I know I havent been around lol. I'll be around tomorrow I will look for you x
Let me see if i got this right, they send you the letter but have the wrong inmates name on there? Instead of writing that you have been denied access to visit your pen pal they put another inmates name??
Kellbell - why is this so tough. My penpal was right at the top of the letter, but in the body of the letter Mr. Smith's name appears.