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Must read Terms of Service & Privacy Policy and be at least 18

Must read Terms of Service & Privacy Policy and be at least 18


A friend of mine is in the Clermont County jail for a few months. I decided to write him letters, basically just articles I think he would be interested in which I found on the web, like from NYTimes, Washington Post, etc. Very generic PG stuff. I just copy and paste from the articles.

All are denied. Why? Because they are from the web. 

I spoke to a very unpleasant officer who told me just write him a regular letter, like "Hi, Jimmy, How are you. I am fine. It's cold here too. Well, goodbye." Like, really? To pass the time? The "rules" do not appear anywhere I can find.

Anyone else with that experience writing inmates at the Clermont County Jail?




That's Ohio, isn't it? I don't have any pp there. Maybe just check the rules in the Ohio section of the forum- or someone having a pp there might help you out.