I was wondering how much they charge prisoners for using Corrlinks - does anyone know? I don't really want to ask, but she mentioned it - she said she is using abbreviations due to charging her per minute and I wonder how much they charge her? She actually wrote me (and I responded) 3 times yesterday, but perhaps she is just excited she finally has a pen pal (for the 9 months of her profile here, she didn't get any).
Last post
I believe it’s 5c per minute.
Yeah 5cent a minute sounds about right... That might not eem much but some jobs in prison pay les than $1 an hour. Some of these people have no outside support what so ever either and if they don't work they get NOTHING.... so abreviation are a common thing. I don't mean to be rude but someone will surely get annoyed because they've misread may as per usual lately but if you'r going to correspond with her regularly, learn to be concise and sparing with your words to say what you mean and mean what you say and if you do develop a connection with her... consider sending her a few dollars here and there to cover the cost.
Thank you, BabyBlueEyes. :)
Thank you, Frankie, I will :)
Corrlinks doesn't cost you anything but they have to choose between talking to you and paying for food/medicine/clothes and commissary they might need. A part of them being in prison is also sometimes making the wrong choices also… so they might get to a point where they have less than a dollar on their account but choose to talk to you anyway so you have to be mindful of that also.. Corrlinks is not free… Don’t abuse your privilege YOU have been given by THEM to communicate for free.
I won't, Frankie. :) But I know she wants to communicate with someone. Now the BOP site doesn't work, but will try again later and will check there what I can do and how. She said she works two jobs and I know it is hard for her. Next week, I will be sending regular mail to her - with pictures, etc. That wouldn't cost her, right? They do not charge them for receiving mail?
I think its something like 25 loose pictures you can send and around 20 pages of loose paper with whatever on it... pictures are fine just write their BOP number on it and their name so it can be identified as theirs if it comes loose. Writing to a BOP inmate can be cool and a really rewarding experience, most of them work two jobs and go to school. They offer cool programs that actually do something horticulture, landscaping, dog training, and in some facilities they offer barbering, hairdressing and cosmetology where they learn everything from beauty products and manicuring as well as hairdressing and how to run a business themselves. They also offer GED certificates and proper healthcare/drug diversional theraphy.
It can be one of the best experiences, but they're also incredibly busy people if they take their lives seriously, so you will learn about that also. But to the point of this... A few cents may not seem like much to you but they can buy ramen noodles or oats, or coffee and whatever else to stretch their food a bit further and have some nice things. They can also buy really expensive beauty products for what its worth... but they don't need those...
Just remember that Corrlinks isn't free... and they may sacrifice things that may seem trivial to you like a packet of instant noodles just to communicate with you...
I actually don't see how to send her money - both Western Union and MoneyGram want me to have an US address. And the US mail method - I don't know if I can use that at all and how.
I ue the jmail box address as a safe address...
Thanks, Frankie. I found another option, that is better for me - JPay offers now a service to send money to BOP inmates through MoneyGram. :)
Thanks I'll try tha out next time.