i've only just made and account on here and wanted to ask a few questions.
this is the first time i'll be writing to someone in prison. firstly, as i'm only seventeen would you say this is too young to write to someone in prison? or that they possibly wouldn't reply because of my age? as i am only looking for friendship. also i'm having difficulties with how to write a first letter to someone especially as I have body dysmorphic disorder which has made it difficult for me to do things and be in public often so i'm unsure whether to mention that or if it's considered too personal but it'd be terrible to come across as boring without explaining why. and would they mind if it takes me a while to bring myself to send a photograph and would this matter etc etc x
Last post
i think you have to be 18 to write to a prisoner you are still a minor
oh really? I wasn't aware you had to be that age, that's a shame it looks like i wont be able to then
I also think you have to wait 'til you are 18
actually yes i just realised you have to be 18 to use this site as well apparently which i hadn't noticed, hm it is such a shame
now i think it's best to delete this account having not realised i had to be 18 prior but i have no idea how, could someone help me with this, thankyou!