i have a couple questions about all this going on in fla. with p/p,i hope someone might be able to answer,i live in fla. i have made the call to gov,i have 2 p/p here,and it seems like they know nothing of this,they speak freely about the ads, are the prisons going to inform these inmates about this or are they going to just start taking gain time etc? i am wondering should i tell my p/p, i dont ever write or talk on phone to them like i met them from a ad, but i dont want to see them not be informed and end up in trouble,should i let them in on this in my next letter or phone call?
Last post
jazzy - take a look at some of the other Florida threads - one from Mikeinpa showing the rule file number - and one from sweetivorywoman on the Florida department of corrections. Your answers should all be in there, somewhere.
I write to 3 penpals in Florida, one of them has been told about the rule, one has heard rumors from other inmates and one didn't know anything about it until I told him in a letter. Each facility will likely handle it their own way.