I'm not going to start any of the old issues but I have read the reaction to your responses and noticed that all forums seem to have gone quieter here due to your interaction. I think you need to take a good long hard look at how you respond and more over your preachy posts. That's not what people want here and you seem to alienate forum members rather than encouraging. This is just a gentle note to say when you get involved conversation shuts down.
Last post
Frankie said he's the only one who posts regularly... I don't think he realizes that people DON'T post because of HIM. It's a shame, as underneath that "on his high horse" persona, there is a very intelligent person.
He was all over the place, barely giving others a chance to post any response. He seems intelligent and has a lot of knowledge though, but a little less attitude would have been nice.
Pfft... This is exactly why I'm not posting here and I don't want to be called out for it here... The only attitude I ever had was in response to your poor choice of virtues. Nothing more, nothing less, in defending racist values or signaling that people of colour have the same ability to access this world as someone with fair skin in 99% of the cases in the West.
The response you received from me was deserved...
This bullshit that you and your crowd of minions have drummed up is exactly that...
The reason why I took this on board to post here is because it was quiet and if someone like me, Kirsten, or il_pp doesn't post here no one else is going to take up the batton and do it for themselves because just about everyone who was regular with any knowledge here left when the forum crashed and they replaced it with this pos.
As I've said elsewhere your abilty to make me feel unwelcome in spite of my contribution and lack of attitude elsewhere is what means I don't feel any contribution I make here is valid anymore...
I've overstayed my welcome among your lot and so I'm leaving... Best of luck working out what you need to know among yourself. Hopefully someone else steps up.
Frankie, I don't really know what happened (I don't really read all the topics/posts - only those topics that could be interesting to me or I can somehow relate or I think may contain useful information - I am still new to this thing). But I don't think you should leave. From what I read - your posts have been useful to me.
The reason why I am leaving is because of people like Stu... The fact that I can't profess the values of common human decency and the fact that people in this world today at all believe the colour of a perons skin means 6/10ths of anything is the problem here. The fact that I can't even bring to attention the piss poor attitude of unworldly people who treat people differently because of where their relatives came from particularly in the United States but also in the UK, Central, Western and Northern Europe and Australia where there are still heavily race based issues going on whether that is Brexit, or here in Australia with refugees having any access to medicine at all because they so happen to be refugees is the issue at all...
And people who so defend it like Stu, and hi minions who can't accept the fact that I am calling them out for their shit social and racial values is exactly the issue here... I have nothing to offer to Stu or any of his followers and if he thinks he can admonish me I'm just going to double down and call him a right and absolute fuckwit and be on my way.
To be clear, I left yesterday because I felt my presence was unwelcomed here anymore and if I don't feel a part of the community as a whole. I see no point in me being here. But this wank stain of an excuse for a human being felt the need to continue with their contributions and have his famous last words again even after I made it abudently clear why I was leaving...
Please don't tag me in your drama anymore... I'm well and truely done.
An explanation for this thread... Me and Frankie had a long running dispute. I dropped it and moved on not having mentioned it again.. But in the past couple of days he has brought my name into his posts where it is not even relevant and has started the whole nonsense again. To shut it down I opened this specific thread for him to rant to me on to save his rants invading other people's genuine threads.
Lies slander and bullshit. The reason that argument was brought up at all was because Kelly weaponised and used it to follow on from the drama you created...
To quote this discussion.... You defended the rights of known racists to go about their daily life...
When you take that position you're no longer a human being. You're some order of life such a a xenophobe in its true Greek sense... Which i can construe as hat filled alien...
To quote the US constitution... "All men [sic: human beings male, female and hermaphrodites] are created equal"
When you decide to absolve yourself from that belief you don't deserve to walk among us... Not only that, you’re a contortionist and deitful. The fact you think you have any right to admonish me leads to one final conclusion.
That it is you entirely that is the troll here and you’ve come here to do nothing other than troll since day one.
I thought you were leaving.... You brought my name into several threads over the past 2 days where there was no need, so as said you can rant here to your hearts content without interference to genuine threads.
Here we go with Mr. Famou last word... If you read the other three threads about thi matter before you created your own you wouldn't look like more of a dickhead than what you already are.
Also more lies and fabrication. There was a perfect need for it when my name has been dragged through mud in three seperate threads because of your actions Stu. If Kelly would have shut the fuck up rather than introducing your narrative again I woud not have said anything. Like every other idiot though you could not lie straight if you were lying in a bed.
Here... I tried to help Kelly out with some thoughts about what it takes to live in a foreign country and this is the help I get because of the shit you've created since the first day you got here on this Forum Stu. As Kirsten said there isn't a bully to be found here (except you and Kelly I might add.)
I had been to civil to yourself on other threads since the altercation, I never commented again on it and then you drag me back into it, I'm not willing to accept that so I'm doing the decent thing, giving you a thread to vent on that stops you bringing your long rants into genuine threads. If you are going to drag my name through the mud then I'm not going to just sit back and take it. I had been civil not anymore after you started dragging it all up again you are a bully Frankie and until you recognise that there's no talking to you.
Think I speak on behalf of everyone else here, when I say that we visit these forums, participate in these forums, to talk about our mutual interest/hobby of prison penpals and writing to those incarcerated.
I/We don't come here to talk about other forum members, or specific inmates etc. Many of us have loved ones in the prison system, or at the very least good friends and those we care about. There are enough hardships in the incarcerated world, without us creating more here.
Please respect each other - especially when others have differing opinions and experiences to your own. It's that diversity that usually makes these forums are great place to learn and discuss.
(And please stay on topic. This particular forum is called General Prison Talk. Topics solely about fellow forum users have no relevance or place here.)
Bullshit, you live on venom and vitriol and this is another example. I have no reason to talk about you, what are you some kind of narcissist that thinks everyone has a reason to talk about you? As per the other poster here... You created this mess... This forum is about General Prison Talk... Not me... keep your barbs and your venom to yourself. You and your friends have made this a contemptible experience here for me lately making me feel like nothing I contribute is valid or valuable.
I don’t owe you anything… Just leave me the fuck alone and stop responding for fuck sake... its so childish... you're like a moth to a bright light.
Then don't give me reason to respond. I have had enough of you. I have made my feelings very clear. No matter how you try to alter them to your own skewed world view. Please just leave me the hell alone.
You are single handedly the biggest troll I've ever met in my entire 25 years of being on the internet... And I've met some really weird trolls in the dark corners of Twitter... Get a life... I called you out... There are no two views about racism... get on with your life and leave mine the fuck alone.
Stop that bullshit already, both of you!
The focus of this site is finding inmate penpals. Nothing more.
I'm not interested in these petty conflicts.
I'd love to but this stupid cunt keeps coming back like a bad smell. Why did the dumb cunt create this thread in the first place?
Frankie, you DO realize that racism only exists when people like you keep bringing it up? Stop believing what the media tells you... they’re the mouthpiece of the real racists who run things behind the scenes. Also, seek medical help for your mental health issues. Ranting and raving on these forums isn’t doing you any good.
I don't have mental health issues... I'm dealing with a snide cunt here who is on a mission to make me feel unwelcome here. The problem is that if you stick around arguing with idiots anymore no one knows that Stu is the idiot. Also... No... Racism is real... There is no other answer to that matter... division is real... South and Central American illegal aliens vs. White people in America... African/Middle Eastern "illegal immigrants" vs. white people in Europe/Australia. No... That is very real unfortunately. To deny otherwise would make a legitimate person question the rationality of your thoughts...
Race is one of the biggest political footballs of modern times... The entire US election was pretty much fought on "a wall" to keep the southern borders of the United States closed. There is one answer that some people don't like...
When you default to there is no racism it leads to that one answer... You don't even begin to recognise your white privilege and moreover just because you weren't born in a shithole country and don't recognise you've won the birth lottery... you've taken it on your white privilege to bemoan people who out of a sheer lottery have not been born in fortuitous circumstances...
To believe anything else makes you miss the point entirely and it makes me question your human virtues and realities in your life. Because there is no other honest answer to be had… There is one true answer and another bunch of excuses to justify to yourself as to why you may well also be a cunt.
Yay, I’m in the Cunt Club \o/
I didn't call you a cunt by the way, I called Stu a cunt... because that is what the sum of his posts on this forum represent the actions of.
Is this seriously a topic of discussion on a forum about prison penpals? How is this even remotely helping anyone?
Its not... which was my first point to Stu... What was the point of this thread when I said I wanted to leave and let the cunt have his peace? Honestly its just one big massive venture into shit stirring... and he got exactly the result he was looking for. What did he think I'd put my tail between my legs and glorify his ego trip that be could blame the entire fault of everything that is wrong with this forum on me...
LOL NO! Hell no...
This is beyond pathetic.
You're right Stu and acuation are beyond pathetic and it show the igns of a very weak man.
There was no need for Stu to post this, I agree. But you’re continuing it, like you always do. Can’t you just let it go and move on?
No one comes on here to read shit like this.
I can't let it go when multiple other threads are made about me that are not of my own making.... I agree the worst thing I ever did was involve myself with Stu in holding what is the morally correct position "we are all humans regardless." However, peoople inherently and naturally take sides and a part of that was throwing me under the bus which unfortunately has happened.
I for my part tried to contain this to one thread... the one on famous inmates... Kelly for her part created another thread, and Stu this one, and then Northern decided to have a go at me. Again over what me professing the virtues we should all believe in of equity and fairness for all.
Right... apparently according to the other parties I'm some kind of asshole that pushes people around. The one common factor in this is Stu... I've never had a serious argument with anyone here until Stu came along. The fact that he has tried to flip this and make it about me when he is the one determining factor in all of this shows how delusional he is.
oh for f*cking crying out loud... What a bunch of temper tantrum throwing toddlers in this topic. Sheesh! Y'all need to get the F over yourself and both leave this forum alone. Even my nieces and nephews (7, 6 and 5 years old) behave more mature than this. I can not for the life of me figure out WHY, for christs sake, 2 people need to destroy an entire forum for a whole bunch of other visitors. Newsflash: The reason old members aren't posting anymore isn't the new forum. It is the blatant trolling that is going on every 2 months. Getting so sick and tired of it.
If I think I’m being be littled or bullied I have the right to report it I never once named you at all reposting other people’s posts or encouraging the abuse of inmates that have paid to be here is the reason I spoke up. No matter what anyone as done or why they are in prison they still have the right to explain that to whoever wants to write. Yes you have a problem with certain crimes a lot of us do but it’s not fair on the prisoners family’s to sit and read remarks about their son/daughter it’s just not they get enough of that from the outside world, they post their love one on here to help them with a fresh start and all they read is rubbish, you can’t openly come here and tell people they can’t weite to someone cause you don’t like their crime. That was my main issue I just feel like people were being discouraged cause your not happy with their choices. It’s nice to get to know someone ask them questions before you jump in and think you know better yes to me that’s being a bully. You wrote about me like I was coming there without even knowing what I was doing had you taken the time to speak to me you would know I’ve been fighting to come there for 3 years with a high cost of legal cost to do so, I part own a house in America already, and I have ran my own business for 24 years. We have to respect that people have done crimes we don’t like but like I said this is not the place to judge.
I think, with the exception of this thread, most people don't really understand or read Frankie the right way. In my opinion, he's not trying to be snide or holier than thou, rather he's trying to help in a way that could be perceived as such. HOWEVER, I don't think he truly intends to make anyone feel like he's trolling or bullying. I mean - this thread is something different lol y'all are wayyyy out of control, all of you -- but idk.. I get Frankie, and I really don't think he's trying to belittle anyone when he posts.
Let's face it. Relationships in the free world are hard enough, but relationships with inmates are a whole nother beast. I'd be willing to bet most of us, Frankie is probably guilty of this at times to - I know I am, spend a lot of time in this fantasy world where "everything is gonna be ok, it'll work." But the truth is, I think a lot of really hard work and sacrifice go into maintaining relationships with inmates, especially post-release. A lot of you are from overseas and absolutely will face challenges getting here to the US - it's sad but it's true. Unfortunately, we've become a terribly unwelcoming, self-centered country full of racist, xenophobic assholes. But I digress... I think he posts to try and highlight what really goes on - the nitty gritty of the situation.
Now, if everyone could apologize to each other and bury the hatchet, that would be great. Remember you guys - we're here for the inmates listed on the site. We're here to make their lives a little easier, to share our hearts with them (in friendships or romantic capacities). We're here because we want to be kind to people suffering. So let's be kind to each other... we're all in this together.
I’ve worked really hard to show I can surport myself and still run a business there if I wanted to I could come and live in the USA and that’s before I’ve even got married I did all that before I even agreed to marry my boyfriend cause I want a stable life for my family. All I did was ask people to share their story’s cause I thought it would be nice to read something positive for new people thinking of writing someone. To show for all the bad you hear about prison or prisoners there are good stories you don’t hear about. There are good people posted on here and bad maybe someone out there could make enough difference to someone to help them change there ways. There are always two sides to a story not everything you read in the press is true just cause someone is branded a sex offended or murder, a thief does mean they don’t have a story to tell maybe what you read is true maybe it isn’t but let’s at least give them a chance that’s why this site was set up. To post news articles or what they did is totally against the rules. To troll ads places on here by inmates and then posing what you read about there crimes is very wrong if someone does that rather then encourage it it should be ignored and reported.
PPP I totally agree it is really hard you have the stress and strain of what they go through in there as well as holding down life here. I stand by what I say about getting to fully understand something before jumping in and judging but maybe I’m guilty of doing that too so for that your right I should say sorry. I guess when you feel attaked it makes you. I’m always gonna be defancive I guess cause you are judged when you are with someone in prison I just felt I went from being on a site where I was being understood to somewhere I was being attacked or witnessed being attached. But your right I think we all should just remember why we are here.
Also just cause someone is new to this site or posting doesn’t mean we are new to the whole having someone inside I’ve been with my boyfriend 5 years it’s not a new thing so I do have maybe some first hand knowledge. And I do understand what it’s all about but I don’t know it all that’s why I turned to people on here.
Oh no I completely understand and agree that people shouldn't come up in here and be all "ew murderers" and "ew financial crimes" lol - I don't *think* I've ever seen Frankie (or really many others) do that, but not sure. I don't go looking for it (I'm not saying you do - I'm just speaking in general).
This lifestyle is tough, and we alllllllll get judged and it fkn sucks and you're right we should be able to come here and help each other out and through all of this without having to be judged by others who claim to be our own. I am still all for keeping a mindful approach to things, but everyone is different and what works for me may not work for you, for Frankie, for blue eyes, etc etc
But yeah, the judgment we face from people who don't understand us is enough. It does suck to come here and get that from others. I do still think Frankie doesn't intend to come off the way he does, but I can also see why people think he's a little abrasive (no offense Frankie, you know I love you lol). At the end of the day, we should all encourage each other and not break each other down. There's very few other forums for people in our situations to talk about the hardships we face.
(side note: I'm not even in a romantic relationship with my pal, but I would totally jump in if I weren't married lollll, but I have very strong feelings for him, and things have developed quickly and in such a way that I never anticipated - we also face immigration consequences post release, as he will likely be deported... I try so hard to keep that in mind whenever feelings creep up, but it's tough to not indulge in them every once in a while)
So true ppp I don’t go looking for it I just don’t and your right it isn’t out there much I think it’s just kinda taken down a wrong path when it is. Your right you do get feeling and I don’t mean always in a romantic way it is just as hard if you just simply care about someone as a friend. But I do think people should be left to make there own choices. I’d rather some ask me questions then just presume something about me I’m on here to share and learn and I for one would be happy to be open and honest if someone wanted to ask me something rather then guess.
A lot as been said that should not have been and somethings can’t be taken back but me personally I just wanna move forward and try and make this work so people can take a glance and think yeah this is somewhere I could be happy to be. We are never all gonna agree and your right what works for me does work for everyone else. I could of handled things better and I will hold my hands up to my part.
I hope we can all get past this and move forward as a group. I am sorry for not constructively contributing to your other post, and I apologize for offending you, kelly. I wish you nothing but the best, and all the happiness in the world!!! <3
And the same to you maybe I should not let my feelings get hurt and kinda take my own advice about how to behave
Hey man, I get it. I think all of us let the stigma get to us and tend to perceive things as attacks sometimes. I know I'm always amped up about this and on edge lol
If you want to see me as abrasive for trying to help out that's cool... I mean what's the alternative... Like I said I was happy enough to leave Stu and his attitude problem, but actually I think after all of this he's jut encouraged me to stay around because of how ridiculous this is... He seems to think that if I stop responding all of the problems of this forum will simply disappear...
OK I've already done the math in my head... Some people don't bother to check the new/unanswered posts at the top of the forum, some people don't know how to begin to answer some of the problems here, and some other people don't know where to look in spite of the fact that the answers are hiding in plain site either on the county, state DOC or BOP websites.
OK so you have it your way and you chase me out of town.... Who then answers it? Maybe someone who has been around long enough to answer things which there is about three maybe four of us including myself around here who can...
Now you want to play this game of attacking the hand that feeds you because of what exactly? I don't know... Not adhering to the fact that some of us here might be racists or enjoy the fellow company of racists… Now what a sweet deal that may be…
Come and walk a day in my life where you are born in a country you call home and yet you deal with abundantly overt racism on a day to day life that affects you directly or indirectly because of the fact… it affects people LIKE me every day.
If I sit here and just let it pass me by I am acceding to the fact that it is normal behaviour, when it quite clearly is not nor was it ever normal behaviour to hate someone just because they have a funny name or darker skin than yours just so… I dunno… because their distant fucking relatives lived closer to the equator than yours did…
Racism… what a stupid fucking concept that is that you fear a fellow human being because their skin isn’t as sickly pale as yours from genetic anaemia or because they have a funny first/last name…
I give up… some people are just generally cunts who will never understand why others feel so strongly about this.
@IL_PPP Thanks... I deeply appreciate what I've developed here with you, this problem isn't yours, I just wish you didn't have to see crap like this.
Frankie, your racism towards white folk is plain to see and it’s tragic. Leave us alone. No white folks here did you any harm. Are you so big-mouthed and opinionated to your “oppressors” back home where you live? By being racist YOU are the problem. And yes, non whites can be racist, despite what your friends in the media tell you.. I take it you watch Don Lemon on CNN? He’s the black version of the KKK. Stop falling for this racist narrative. Either enjoy your life or address those PERSONALLY responsible for discrimination in your own life and not what you’re told is happening by the race baiters on TV.
We can all figure stuff out by ourselfs we are adults you don’t have to take the whole forum on your shoulders maybe if you don’t you could relax and enjoy it more there are many people who can answer or figure things out. You don’t have to do anything and if you feel like the site will shut down without you it really won’t people will learn as they use the site
We can all figure stuff out by ourselfs we are adults you don’t have to take the whole forum on your shoulders maybe if you don’t you could relax and enjoy it more there are many people who can answer or figure things out. You don’t have to do anything and if you feel like the site will shut down without you it really won’t people will learn as they use the site
What I am saying is that I have personally sat here and watched threads go unanswered for days, sometimes weeks or months because no on bothers except for maybe Kirsten here to go and look at the unanswered topics by which time the person on the other end sees the lack of response and thinks "I am probably never going to get a response from this person... oh well..." and never returns to bother to look. This isn't a good thing for any of us as we lose the possibility to develop a connection to another human being in their time of need.
If you want to help out some time or wonder why I bounce around so much its because I actually bother to check the new/unanswered topics... and if you feel like there is something you can say that is of worth and meaning to that person then take 30seconds of your life out to say something meaningful because that's the only way you're going to build a community here again.
You can’t tell us what to do or how to use the site it’s not on you to answer everything some post related to people some don’t its better to say nothing then to just hurt someone’s feelings or to give false information just step back and let people do their own thing
You can’t tell us what to do or how to use the site it’s not on you to answer everything some post related to people some don’t its better to say nothing then to just hurt someone’s feelings or to give false information just step back and let people do their own thing