Well I just had to post this, my mail lady came to the door this morning with my mail, asking about the kids and saying, oh another one from this one, he writes alot huh:) Call it nosey but i think funny. The man at the counter in the post office also has given my daughter a nickname, they play a winking game everytime we go in there, so I think it is cute and funny. Just a smile:)
Last post
just cant put the mail in the box and go on, they just cant stand it. They have to look and see who get what.
Yea, it was hilarious when i first started cause they all know me in town as that nice lady who adopted all those kids, (no one here really knows me, just about me) So the looks when they read the addresses was priceless. I guess they expect "bad" people to write to prisoners. Nope, I dont give them the satisfaction. I am good mom, strong family ties, into my church, it just blows them away and I laugh as I sit in my rocker and watch the expressions on their faces:)
Mom I wonder if the mail person , read the address on my mail. But Pensacola is about 200K people so there is alot of mail that goes thur this place. I just dont think that need to read most of that just put that in my mail box and get on with your work.
My mailman stops for a drink during his route (we've seen him) so I doubt he would recall who I'm getting mail from. As long as he doesn't screw up delivering my letters he can get as drunk as he wants!
Boy if my mailman knew what was in those letters he'd be saving them for his woman!! LOL
LOL, well i dont care if my mail lady reads who i am writing or who is writing me, I get a kick out of the nosiness of it all. Everyone has their idea of right and wrong and I love being naughty:)
Back to the post office with another letter needing extra postage:) BYE
Thanks, I know who the msn message was from now, thanks for the props. By naughty I meant against societys views of right and wrong butyou know, if you would have talked to me before attacking me you would have known what i meant!
and it begins... relax, and let go. We are all here I hope to bring light to someone's life. Whether they are HOT or NOT. ITs about giving some joy to someone. I have written my pp's for a few years now and I have no regrets with any of them. They are all loved and cherished. The ones that have been released are moving on with their lives, but sometime I do get the odd letter or card. It hasn't died and withered. SO I am happy, and I am sure many people get different sort of satisfactions from writing to someone. To each their own. Hugs....