I used to write a prisoner out of state, but then he stopped writing to me out the blue. I looked him up on the state's prisoner records, where there wasn't a match, stating that it wasn't in their records or he may have been moved out of state. I looked up the inmate on the Bureau of Prisons, and he is still there at the same prison. Today, I recived a letter from a guy from the same (federal) prison. He isn'ton WAP. The letter said that he wrote me after he was asked if he was interested in a pen pal. I'm freaking out! I'm probably going to shred the letter. I do use my home address, so I probably should get a P.O. box. What do I do?
Last post
This happens often. It has happened to me four different times. Inmates sell addresses of free people to other inmates.
Don't make a big deal out of it. The most likely scenario is that this other person is bored and lonely and wants a friend. The worst case scenario is that the inmate wants a free world benefactor to send him money. Most people just throw the unsolicited letter away. I responded to one of them, and the mystery inmate never wrote me back.
Like Zarchery says, this happens often. I’ve had it happen twice and I didn’t respond to either. Never heard anything from them again.
You've either become a victim of stolen mail or someone has sold or given away your address. There are a lot of creepy people in prison. I would suggest never responding to unsolicited mail. Unfortunately one of them sent me a photo once. I never returned it actually. Which seems cheap but I don't want to give her any reason to know I exist.
Can I say it's because of this thread I had a nightmare the other night that my pal sold my address to 3 of his prison buddies for 89 cents?
IL_PPP, Ha ha ha ! Dreams always have these little details like 89 cents !
I've been watching way too many videos on snake handling (I like snakes) lately and dreamt that one of the Youtubers I was watching had left his huge king cobra in my care, who obviously escaped and I was running after it, but couldn't catch it LOL. I felt so guilty both for the Youtuber and the potential danger the snale represented. Then I woke up thankfully !
Must be something in the air with weird dreams lately. This week I dreamt I went to visit one of my prison penpals for the first time. When she came out to see me, she was holding a baby in her hands and told me it was mine! Haha
I woke up in a sweat and everything Haha
Hope you've all had a nice Christmas :)
GalapagosDiver, congrats, man ! Is it a boy or a girl ? :) :) :)
Yes, happy holidays fam <3333
I have yet to mention the 89 cents to my pal, but I got a brief letter from him yesterday with 3 pictures of himself (and a little painting!!!). He said "don't sell them or trade them, but you can rent them out lol" hahaha it's like he read my mind lol
Thucy hahaha.