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Must read Terms of Service & Privacy Policy and be at least 18

Must read Terms of Service & Privacy Policy and be at least 18


So I’m just wandering how long is acceptable to wait for this mail to come? Is 2 wks within the States still being impatient, or should it be coming by now? It would make sense that the Xmas rush is over......I can’t help but start to worry thinking all sorts of crazy thoughts!


Post is all over the place at the moment, so I wouldn't worry too much. You could always call the prison and see if everything is okay though, if you get really worried. :)


my mail from Angola usually takes between 5/8 days to the UK however my mail from Texas varies, as Texas is incredibly slow, and the holidays really mess up mail, like Rose says try not to worry but if you really concerned call the prison, I have twice and they were extremely helpful


Could have many reason.Out of stamps,out of paper and other reasons.
Guess sometimes we forget they also have days like we have not feeling like talking or writing to someone,depends on what happened.
In the end to make sure if your pp is ok you can call the Unit they would let you know if your pp is ok.