Does anyone know how many 'extras' are allowed with each letter? (I'E newspaper cuttings, photo's etc) Is there a limit? I thought it was 5 but don't know where I got that from! Does if differ from prisons? I've looked on the websites for my 3 PP's but can't find out very much...
Last post
You'll probably need to call the prison. Since you're not in the states, I'll be glad to place that call for you.
good question = i have never counted the 'extras' i send but i sent to SC the other week, about 12 little extra things and they werent sent back..
(trina works in Nando's and i sent a serviette, a tooth pick, a brown maxi bag, a straw wrapper and so on, because my pal's mate is from Zim and knows of Nando's and .. well i thought it was fun..)
Hi Midwesterngirl - thanks so much for the offer. I actually have 3 pp's but the one I seem to send the most to is at Central State, NC. Their phone number is 919-733-0800. I really would be very grateful if you could give them a quick call for me.
Holly, I just talked to a guy in the mailroom who was very nice. Here's what he said:
--There's no limit with photos (no Polaroids). Forty to fifty are sometimes sent in with no problem.
--No envelopes bigger than 8x10
--No glitter or any other substance on cards or envelopes
--Internet articles and newspaper clippings are fine--no limits
Let me know if you need anything else.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Let me know if you ever need any help from the UK x
I think it must vary, although I send my pal lots of internet printouts (one time 20 pages on an author he liked) and he got all but that is one prison so I dunno on others. I have also heard from someone on this site that writes a sex offender that inmates in for crimes like that CAN NOT have anything off the internet given to them in letters from pals. So maybe it depends on crime?
Asha, i think it also depends on the state, which seems to be the stock answer to any question!! LOL
My old sex offender PP in Texas could receive stuff from the internet ~ yes Texas!! So I dunno if there is any firm real, perhaps it depends on the inmate?
Yeah, I mean it sort of stands to reason that they might not want sex offenders having anything to do with the net as that might be a condition of their rehabilitation. Unfortunately the internet can be like crack cocaine for someone with those issues and they probably dont want it escalating.
Yes, Ive sent 7 and they all got through - not sure if there is a limit for where my PP is!
One thing I don't understand - If I can send as many articles/pages as I wish with each letter (which NC say I can) then how come I can't send a whole newspaper? And what would happen if I bought a magazine/newspaper and tore the spine off it so that it was individual pages and not classed as a whole magazine?
Seems bizzare to me!
I once copied some pages in a book, sent them to a pal, and they were returned to me.
At least Internet articles are accepted.