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Hi Boys and Girls!
Im baaaaack!
This thread is for those who are in relationships/married/in LOVE/in Lust/Not sure but have a feeling- with the Walled Ones!
What is the sexiest line (spoken or written) you have heard/read? Keep it G-rated or let us fill in the blanks!

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im staying outta this one.. (((winkz)))



I like the kinda foreplay you get in the kitchen....
"honey you want some help with those dishes" LOL.


well..I've got too many to post!! my pp is always telling me i'm his strength and he's lucky to have me as a friend. not exactly a luv letter, but still it's nice to hear.and i'm sure you meant what have our pals wtitten to us.. not meaning this is the only "luv" you get..


Hi Angelina
You posted "your gonna tell me you find a conversation with an inmate of this sort the most stimulating you ever had, that you had to make a post about it?"
Well it seems you did too, enough to put your marriage (the man you were with every day) at risk. But in retro spect, I think when humans are put in positions to have to really think about Life,,,they do dig into those brains on a more intelluctual level on all types of topics, sex, love, family. More so than they would do normally being free,,working, paying bills and taking care of kids. The routine of life makes people lazy in some areas. Thats why there are so many books out about how to fire up the love life. I can honestly say to date, the man I married in prison , had the best conversation I ever had with a man period! And I have been around all types-rich, famous, phd's.


angelina, BUT WE arent talking about the ones one the OUTSIDE.. we are talking about the ones on the INSIDE!!! =)


Great post, Wobabi. Words can be a collossal turn on, even more than physical affection, so it's certainly possible that an inmate could be more stimulating than a guy on the outside.


I like the thread Wobabi, I have had great conversations with my pp, more indepth then the ones on the outside, it makes looking for a mate on the outside tougher becasue you end up comparing to the conversation abilities (the sweet nothing whispers and the political conversations etc) of our pps on the inside. You think???

Wendy Florida


lol--ditto Ayanna! angelina this is why we are HERE at writeaprisoner isnt it?? uhmmm at least I thought so???for most of us,our men /women or pen pals are on the 'inside"still.. wobabi I thought your thread was cute! If I had to say the sexiest thing my husband has said to me,I'd be banned..hehe or at the very least get your thread deleted.((smiles))


I went and got something for my PP at Victoria's Secret, and I told her all that I got her. I wanted her to have some sexy little things, and I told her , that I had all the itmes, and I told her . " you are in alot of trouble girl", she them told me that " I have not been with a man for over 10 years and we will see who is in a lot of trouble".... That is just one of the many things that she has told me, some of that would be rated XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX . Well a lot of that would be rated XXXXXXXXXXXX .


larrysbabygirl.. u dirtay lil bird!! lol...


LOL @ Smiley!!!


Sexiest would be: "Are you standing in front of your dresser in this picture? I would like to bend your sexy ass over that dresser and __________!"

Sweetest would be (after I told him to respond to the other letters he has received and he didn't want to): No one else can write a letter like you. I expected someone to write, but I never expected to get a honey like you. I would just be wasting their time." (AW!!!)


Whoa Ki,,hold it down mama,,they will delete the thread! LOL!

Mine was "And when I get out, if you are still free, I will love you till my last breath".
Wow! The deep part is,,while most would want to pin a person down and make them their only-,,He is being really real with the "if" part. Because we are friends, the possibilities of me not being available is a reality.It was kind of sad and sweet.


WOBABI!!!! im like OH MY GOD!!!!!! that is a good one, i think i might use it.. LOL, hehehe just kiddin!!!!!


Peanbeach! Haaaa! That's awesome. 10 years! Phewww! I see a HOT,HOT,HOT future for you and your pal.


Mine was "IF for some unforseen reason I end up needing to do all my time, I'd force you to leave me. YOu can go and have a family, but believe me... when I finally get free, I'd find you and even if you weren't able to be with me, I'd find you to let you know that I still love you and I always keep my promises to you. I'd stay single just in case you ever needed me...

There was more to it than that but that's the jist of it.


Yes Odile25, I know that it will be hot and hot and Hotter, but like the letters, she has no problem telling what she wants and what she likes. Yes I take my vitamins, thank god for Swanson vitamins. The letters are great and the rest should be even better. No I will not let you know.


I told mine PP about 1 and half , ago that I would wait for her , no matter what i would wait for her. I told her that it will not matter I will be here for her. One time she told me that it could be a while, and if wanted to go that would OK. There is no way I knew what I had found and I was going to wait. The letters and calls and going and vist her , there was no way that I was not going to wait for her to get out of that pit.


Wow Pen I am so happy for you.
Got tears in mah eyes for real!
She better worship the ground you walk on when she gets out!


No doubt!!!!! Penbeach you are a catch! She is lucky to have you as you are to have her!!