that i have in corrlinks that he setn the same eamil to me and some 18 yr old girl then wrote me a letter going on and on about her, nad he wasnt intersted in her and etc, and asked me twice now, what i am looking for outa this, and i told him three times, a pen pal a freindship.
well now hes sending more in corrlinks which is nice, but i really dont know him, havent had him very long and some of his stuff dont jive.....
and now he wants my phone number, to call me, i am not comfortable wiht this at this time, its okay to just say that to him right? he shoudl be okay with athat right? for some reason i got a feeling he woudl be pissed, i dunoo.
Last post
If you are uncomfortable tell him so.
I would have to say what ever feels cool and
OK for you.
As a person who has wrote to the same PP for
i replied just now, and lets see what he says, i talked a bit, then said, i am not comfortabable with talking on the phone right now, we dont know each other well enough for me to want to do that. after some more time passes then i would be as we get to know each other more.
alot of the stuff he says does jive. and that makes me livery.
but anwyays, it was an honest answer, i guess we will see if he replies