I know this is totally off topic!, but know so many of you now on here and think of a lot of you as friends and wanted to share this with you!..
I'm sure we've all been in this situation at somepoint before.
(I'll keep it brief and to the point).
I'm now 30, and met someone in my local bar nine years ago I really liked. I did nothing about it. We saw each other often and said "hello" and such, but that was generally it.
We talked a little more over the years but only talk. I really liked them but figured if they felt the same then they would say something. So nothing ever happened.
NINE years of this and suddenly we both land up outside the the same bar looking for a taxi home. We start talking and before we know it we realise we've both felt the same for NINE years but neither mentioned anything!...
In future I will take more risks and learn to be brave enough to tell people how I feel rather than waiting for them to do it!
So after two weeks of seeing each other day in and day out we're kinda "together" and I am SOOOOO happy :)
This could have happened years ago with some guts!...
So please!, when you find someone you like GO for it!, don't be chicken like I was!! :) the clock never stops ticking!
Last post
wow coyote! good luck with your new found "friend" hehehe
that is so sweet and I like that, yes just go for it and see what happens, that is just sad that nine years went to waste.
Well now I know what you have been up to lately!! LOL I am happy for you and yes life is about taking risks!!
Congrats, and everything happens in its own time for its own reasons, so don't fret about the nine years, it wasn't mean to be then.
Nine Years Wasted? Not so. You both were different people then - think how much you've changed in that amount of time. So the attraction was there originally but maybe the time wasn't right until now.
Celebrate what you have discovered and it's all new!!
Very happy for you babe (hugs)
That is so very sweet and wonderful - am so glad that you are finally together. But as Joyfull says - maybe the past was not the right time for you guys to be together, that moment of you both looking for a taxi was just meant to be.
Anyway - I really hope that you guys are having fun in getting to know each other.Enjoy!
That sounds like a novel or a movie! Good for you.... I'll pass ya another cocktail.
That sounds like a novel or a movie! Good for you.... I'll pass ya another cocktail.
Yes Miss Parrot heheh.. that's where I've been!, I should have trusted you to notice :)
You're all right tho, now is the right time so it almost like it's fate that it took so long!
I think more maturity never hurts a relationship. Have fun, Coyote !!
that is great....
I know just what you mean....i still wonder what if?
but then maybe it may not have worked out only fate knows that....but i wish i had taken that step towards him
Oh well!!!!