Yes she just called and her lawyer told her that she will get a court date within 2 or 3 weeks, and she will go to jacksonville Fl.and she will be out there, I know that she is doing all that she can , and calling her lawyer and he is talking to the court. So now there is something and I was glad that she called me, I know when I saw on called ID that something was going on, with things. This is a good day us and I hope that she will be out of there in one month, I wanted for all of you to know about this.
Last post
Good luck to your PP, Penbeach. I'll be holding my breath for her.
thank you I will all of you know that is going on with things.
Hi Paul,
Wishing your pal all the best - keeping my fingers crossed for you both.
Paul, best of luck to you and your friend.
Best of luck for you and your penpal.
congrats penbeach,
so glad to hear thing's are starting to move along for both of you.i will ask my prayer group to say a special prayer for both of you.please keep us posted.{{{hugs}}}
That's awesome Paul!
I'll be too crossing my fingers for you and your pal.
That's great! I'll be praying for u and your PP. Good luck to both of u!
Prayers go out to you Pen. We want pictures when you guys hit the love bungalow!
And not the ones with you doing anything backwards,,LOL
Good Luck!
Best of luck to u and ur PP