im new to, but i love it already. i sent a letter and received one back within a week! getting the first letter is such a great feeling, i like my PP and am looking forward to our friendship in writing. being new to this, how should i handle being asked for my phone number and my last name? i prefer to give out neither. also my friends think im not being very safe because i could end up with a stalker? i hope that isnt the case, i just want to be friendly. thanks!
Last post
If your not comfortable giving out that info, then I wouldn't. Maybe after you get to know the person you'll change your mind. I only write to one person, but have read alot on this site and it seems to me that these guys/girls are just looking for a friend,someone to keep them company, and a connection to the outside world. It would be a little hard to stalk someone from prison, but like I said, just take it slow and find your comfort zone.
i just sent out 3 letters with my full name on them. is that a bad thing?
most facilities will insist on full name and return address's ive even heard of some states recently returning mail because the return address used a first initial instead spelt fully, some people get around this by using an alias, thats entirely up to you of course but i see little to no harm coming from sharing a full name when you are already sharing an address
As for the phone number, dont do anything that makes you uncomfortable, but be clear in your intentions/motivations so the other part knows where they stand
Using one's own name . . good or bad??
My wife insisted that I use a false name and a P.O. Box, so that we couldn't be tracked down. After, all we are writing to murderers, theives, con artists, you name it.
After 2 1/2 years of writing to my PP, I now use my real name and she knows where I live what my house looks like etc. So, it depends on your comfort level.
We did have one Wapster who told a story of being approached, in her driveway, one morning, by a strange man. He was the homeless brother of her PP, and he wanted to stay with her for a while.
So? That is what can happen. Do you have children, and do you want sexual preditors knowing where you live? Who reads your PP's mail, beside him/her? Does it lay out on his/her bunk for others to see? Are there inmates sorting mail in the mail room? Is an employee in the mail room, some kind of pervert?
What is your comfort level?? Many of us use a P.O. Box, some false names. It is up to you.
Sorry if I scared anyone, but prison is not a nice place and you have to keep that in mind and protect yourself at all times.
Just my 2ยข.
"Sorry if I scared anyone, but prison is not a nice place and you have to keep that in mind and protect yourself at all times."
its my opinion that the world and life in general is at times a dangerous place and the same level of caution should be used with EVERYONE. having the additude that we need to place extra caution on one group and less on another is where the real danger is, we are far more likely to be sexually molested, beaten up or murdered by a family member or some one we already know.
I have given my full name and address to well over 100 inmates, and yes some of those were sex offenders, in fact 3 of my pals are sex offenders, but having said that i do have a level of security afforded to me because i write internationally
It is good advice to get a PO Box, but as for using an alias i dont believe there is any need
I always give my full name and address, since i write from Belgium, the risk of any stalking or unwanted visits is very small. Anyhow, even when i would live in the states, I would give them my full, name and adress, a phonenumber is something else, you might consider to do this, on a later date, once you feel that the time is right for that. Given my full name, is for me a way of showing respect and trust towards my PP's.
But it is up to you to decide what you want.
Goodluck, with the writing.
I am writing from Australia and give out my full name and address. So far the only problem I had involved a PP giving my details out without permission to other inmates. I havent heard from him since. I dont feel unsafe at all I have given my mobile number to a PP who is going to be released next week. I deliberately chose the USA to write to in order to keep them at a distance so as to be safe.
I live in the same state as some of my pen pals, just a few hours away. All of my pen pals have my full name and address. Most of them even know my kids' names and how old they are. I try to build a connection with them before I give out much information but once i have exchanged several letters and I feel comfortable I tell them anything. I am even taking my kids to see one of my pen pals cause I am that comfortable. You gotta do what you feel good about.
As squirell stated...
"having the attitude that we need to place extra caution on one group and less on another is where the real danger is, we are far more likely to be sexually molested, beaten up or murdered by a family member or some one we already know."
I believe this to be the case.
When i read on the forum many people would not write sex offenders it makes me want to yell. For the simple fact is you probably have one in your circle of friends more times than not.
Personally i do not have any trouble with my friends knowing my full name and where i reside, but i too am in Australia and have no doubt that i will not be seeing anyone any time soon on my door stop.
How can others trust if they are not shown trust?
Hi all,
Sex offenders or not, I write to anybody, everybody deserves a second chance and trust.
When i feel good with a pp, I write to him/her, in don't get influenced by their convistion, I mostly don't know where they are doing time for, and I don't bother. Without being naive, I want to be honest, and trustworthy to my pp's, no matter what they have done.
i want to be honest, too, but i also want to be safe. the idea of making up a fake last name has occured to me, but i dont want to have to face a possible situation later where i might be pegged as a dishonest liar.
either way, having just begun writing my PPs i think i will keep my last name private and just give a friendly explanation. im not sure extactly what id say any ideas?
That was great advice everybody. I did get a P.O. Box becasue my husband didn't want me to give our home address. As far as my name goes, I gave my full maiden name. Which is still too much information... But i couldn't come up with an alias. It didn't even cross my mind. :P
Me too, Odile. I may want to visit some of my pals at a point in the future and didn't want to face the music then. :)
Oops, I think I meant this to say, "Octavia." Excuse me, y'all.
Anything that I did to protect my privacy (e.g., use a PO box that I already had rather than supply my home address) I did because it's something I would do with any stranger that I'm meeting, not because the guy is an inmate.