A few years ago the local free paper ran an article about a women who corresponded with a man on death row, in part to highlight the terrible conditions and life they must live. I was deeply moved by the story and it's never left me. I started researching pen pals after that, but it took until February for me to start writing people.
Today I found that article on their website, and I'm again moved to tears. I wanted to link it here incase anyone was interested in reading.
In The Shadow of Death: Letters from a friend on death row shed light on the ultimate legal penalty Published on April 13, 2006.
There is a follow-up: Twenty-five years on Death Row While officials try to fix a ‘broken’ system, the author’s friend still waits for resolution in a ‘twisted dark place’
Last post
Thanks for the links.
Can I just say, jesus christ, ONE in SEVEN prisoners on DR are innocent. That is shocking.
Outf*ckingrageous. (Sorry I couldn't keep that in).
OMG! So sad!
Horrificly sad and very moving links. Thanks for sharing
Its why I oppose death penalty. Too great a risk of executing an innocent person and the state of legal representation for the poor in the United States is deplorable and shameful! As long as a person is alive, there is a chance of justice being done. But once someone is dead, there is no bringing them back should new evidence arise.
Because I feel they are not bad people,just made stupid mistakes.And we are here to give them love,support and strength.I am hoping to find the love of life on here.....
I will never ever forget reading "It's a pity you were not tried for treason, you would have been hung" that was coming from the judge who tried Gerry Conlon, Paddy Armstrong, Paul Hill and Carole Richardson, the guildford four, who after 15 years in prison where proved to be innocent. After their conviction was quashed, a solicitor read out that quote and said "This is the reason death penalty should not be brought back".
See I'm for the death penalty in only one way, if there is NO doubt whatsoever of this person being guilty. Other then that I think the system uses it as a quick fix to keep certain parties happy.
but that is the point - how do you know there is NO doubt? Lawyers are manipulative and lying creatures, and they can turn truth into a lie and vv.
I'm sorry, but I HAVE to disagree with this statement. There are some VERY bad people on DR, who are there because they carefully planned and carried out (often) multiple murders and other crimes. Some did this over a number of years before they were caught. Some are ill, but some are simply very dangerous individuals who have stated openly that if released they will kill again.
I'm not saying all inmates will never change their ways or are there because they intended to cause harm in some way, but a lot are. Many welcome death because they prefer it to living the rest of their days in prison. Of the others, no one going through an appeals process is going to admit their guilt to anyone, not even their closest penpal; they have to make everyone believe they are innocent. Show them your compassion, sure, just do it with open eyes and without the rose-tinted spectacles.
I mean no doubt as in video of said person doing the crime. Just undeniable evidence that this person did it. Not just people saying they saw this person somewhere. Which comes down to there's very few people who should be put to death. :) Get my point'?
Sunray That is true . Unlike every one else I had the displeasure of having to do my prison job on DR . Because I was not a boss I saw them very differently than bosses . I saw guys that are extremely dangerous and will kill again . Some have tried , some did kill again before landing on DR . Though it is rare a few do get put and kill again . Then there are the ones who did horrific things that is the majority of those on DR . To me letting them live their lives in a austere environment locked up with out a shot a parole is much more harsh than death . You do not get on DR for a simple homicide ! [B]Note I am anti DP .[/B]
I can say some of them are sociopaths incapable of any human emotion . They can put on a good act to get what they want many do. I could tell people about some of the things I saw . :barf: is easier !
It is true that if they are working on appeals they will not admit guilt . That would not help their cause . Through some have one guy did and he has a rather large DR groupie club .He was on 20 / 20 not long ago . I did not see him he came there well after my time but just watching him is chilling he has no emotion at all .He talks about his crime as if he is talking about driving to the store ! :bigeyes: . To me he should get LWOP and lose all but legal mail rights no TV interviews maybe one family member can mail him . That would be far worse than death to him !
Not all convicts are going to change some do some don't for all kinds of reasons . Too many to go into , at least on this thread . Just as there are a lot of reasons a person goes to prison . once again ot many ot go into on this thread
Any going into this with rose tinted glasses is asking to get badly hurt . Writing convicts and looking for a relationship :badidea: you might as well just say use me for store money . :roflmao:
I write because I did time and maybe I can be a friend . I also understand things that most freeworld people can never understand . My few PPs know I did time and where so they are well aware I know about the scams and store money games .
Show compassion and be a friend . Deliberately looking for a relationship with a convict is never a good idea . It does happen though these relationships are unlikely work out . That does not mean one will or won't just a reality check .
I would seriously dispute that as being a fact. It is a supposition; could be based more on lack of forensic evidence instead of clear forensics to prove innocence. There is a big difference between someone saying "you cannot prove I was there" to someone saying "there is proof that it wasn't me". Many of the cases now on DR have been there for over 2 decades and arrived when forensic tests were not standard procedure. In a lot of cases, the samples have now been destroyed.
Plus, it is a misleading statement: offenders are not always charged with the actual crime they committed, often they are changed with enhanced crimes. An offender could be guilty of second degree murder but found guilty of first degree murder - they still killed someone, so they are not "innocent".
To lift a hand in friendship.