I have been contacted several times in the recent past by one individual who claims that a relative had been 'scammed' by an inmate who had an ad placed on this site. Once the allegations were verified, the ad was removed, and further steps are being taken to rectify the matter.
It should be known that WAP cannot directly and personally verify the validity and legitimacy of each and every penpal ad submitted. It is the responsibility of the user (you) to exercise common sense and take the necessary precautions. WAP cannot shoulder that responsibility.
The disclaimer is clear:
WriteAPrisoner.com and all of its associates have not investigated, and accept no responsibility for, the truth or accuracy of any statement made by advertisers, respondents and prison pen pals. We strongly recommend that you take appropriate safeguards when corresponding with the incarcerated women and men you meet through our site.
In advertising with us or responding to a prisoner's personal ad, you agree to hold WriteAPrisoner.com and its owners, employees and agents harmless from all costs, liabilities, damages and attorney fees, resulting from or caused by any reply to such advertisements, personal ads and legal ads of incarcerated men and women. You must be at least 18 years of age to enter this site.
Inmates, in choosing to place a personal or legal ad with WriteAPrisoner.com in search of correspondence or legal assistance, must understand that they and other providers of information are the publishers of the information contained in WriteAPrisoner.com. We are not the publishers of such information, we simply provide the space for the inmate to place a personal or legal ad on the Internet.
In no event will WriteAPrisoner.com be responsible for any incidental, consequential, exemplary or other damage arising from or relating to the use of these services. Potential pen pals are encouraged to verify information about prison pen pals through additional sources, whether prisoners are incarcerated in United States prisons or prisons in foreign countries. Correctional facilities can be contacted directly. See our FAQ page for more information about this. Book marking to a page on this server/site whereby this warning page is by-passed shall constitute an implicit acceptance of the foregoing terms herein set forth.
Last post
I hear you!!!
Thanks Big Dog...
Bumping for the new guy
No kidding, I can read, but your still missing my point.
If I am have a funny feeling that a pen pal is playing a game or writing a scam and I allow you to write to that same individual with out saying something to you about it then I have just allowed you to be victimized the same way I was. That is wrong and it is not responsible.
If I KNOW something is wrong I should say something about it!
If the people in this group want to exchange information via private email regarding certain individuals prison pen pals then it is also there right to do so because the inmate number or the name is on THIS board.
As I told you, if there is a fraud or a game sometimes the only way to find out is if people who are familiar with this person start exchanging information and their experiences with this person.
If you got scammed by a female inmate, its because you were thinking with the wrong head honey, lol. :-)
I'm debating on who to write to myself but i don't think it will be a woman.
northwoods guy, if you have a problem with an inmate on this board then you tell the mods. Yes there are scammers out there but there are also innocent people who get caught up in outsider stirring which can include other inamtes and families of victims. This post makes it quite clear what the course of action is otherwise you can call the prison and report it.
I just finished going through this. Please call the head of Security at the prison the inmate is at.
Believe me, they are in a far better position to deal with this than WAP is.
Unfortunately there is a fine line between "scamming" and Extortion and the prisons do know how to handle this, investigat it, and determine if there has been a crime committed.
I wouldn't have wanted any of you to go through what I have, when there are so many PPs just looking for friendship.
I guess my point is that the prisons have not only the aurhority, but the investigative powers to investigate the complaints, and they do want to know this is going on, and take it very seriously.
Hope this is of so help, and be sure to save the letters in question, too.
Hi Vanessa and Don. I'm really sorry to see you had to go through this. This was one of my fears in writing at first but I have been terribly lucky with my pals. I hope it has sorted out for you both.