Has anyone seen this film? Shakespeare Behind Bars Trailer - YouTube
I'm watching it right now, available streaming on Netflix. It's truly amazing. I'm very touched by it. They have a Shakespeare program in Oregon prisons, too. I think the teacher has the greatest job!
I'm very intriuged by how the plotlines in the play go along with some of the guys feelings and stories in life.
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Thanks for sharing the link Gooddog. I really appreciate the work many do inside, especially the volunteers who run so many projects. It took me a minute to get around to watching, but i think when you implement these "priviledges" inside, makes some people want to participate so their actions reflect as much, obviously others couldn't give a rats. I think it's great for so many reasons and loved what was said....
"People who need mercy the most are the one's who deserve it the least" Speaking of those who have committed the most henious crimes.
I watched the entire film last night and I was touched to my core. Made me feel like I'm doing the right thing by writing prisoners. It was an amazing film. And yes, that quote you quoted was "the" quote of the movie, wasn't it?
Yeh, i really liked it myself. Although i must admit in all honesty at times i have repeated those thoughts to myself over and over. Sometimes, some actions make no sense no matter what way you look at it.
It was strange for me finding some of them so likable after I heard what their crime was. Intelligence doesn't seem to make you not do crimes! Then again...I should know that already from my own pp's!!!
The guy who killed his pregnant wife by throwing a blowdryer in the tub... yikes. And yet...you can connect with him so much in the film. It's amazing.