Hiya everyone,
I know this has probably been done before, but i can't find the thread, i am having searching issues.
I got a letter from one of my penpals last week, and both of the 2 stamps were upside down. I got one this week and this time the 2 stamps - one was the right way up, the other was upside down.
I'm pretty sure i've read somewhere that an upside down stamp can mean "lonesome, lonely or I love you"
Does any one know if thats right and / or what the other ones mean?
x Kitty x
Last post
straight up, is professional
upside down is I love you
at an angle top to the right, hugs and kisses
at an angle top to the left, I promise to never leave you.
What?? i just thought my pal was blind? You mean upside down is on purpose?...jesus.
Sheesh ASHA I think your might be trying to tell ya something?????
Just found this link from an old wap thread -hope it helps...
Na, I know it means that but he's doing it like in a friend way. I noticed he did it even way back on his first reply to me and probably does it for all his pals. I was just joking (-:
yea i have pals that do that too in a friendship manner. It shouldnt but still does amaze me, how special we are to them as pen pals.
thanks for that - i have seen it posted here somewhere, before but couldn't remember - going to make sure now that i NOTICE where the stamps on my incoming mail have been 'strategically placed' .... :-D