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Must read Terms of Service & Privacy Policy and be at least 18


anyone get video visits? Tips? Musings?

How long does it take them to approve your registration anyway - I registered 10 days ago and it hasn’t been reviewed ugh... but he added me to his list so...??

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Are you talking about Corrlinks or Jpay or some other service? With Corrlinks and video visits you have to be on their visitor list. I think its about 15minutes or so... I had one set up but then they have this thing called ping (which is how long it takes for the internet connection to get from the prison to where you are) and if its over 100miliseconds you can't do it.  So basically I can't do video visits which sucks...

But with regard to you, can you tell us what service you're using so we can advise you further about this?


Yes - GTL. Opinions and tips across the board still stands :)


I use getting out and you don’t need to be approved you just book a visit or use visit now. They last around 12-15 mins but are expensive I think it’s 35 cents a minute. But it’s worth it. Will this be the first time you see him face to face? 


I just read what you put on the other thread I can move around I take him out and about with me I can use an app on my phone and I show him the sites of where I live I’ve even taken him to the kids school play. But it sounds like it depends on the prison I’m sure it’s just them that can’t move the tablet from a certain place I could be wrong but that’s how it works for me. 


Do you know if on your guys prison site it says you have to stay stationary? The IL site says you do :(

And yes, first time seeing each other in video/outside of pix :) I just hope they approve me soon!!! It’s been 10 days!!

kellykelly that’s what I use it does really give you much info about what you should or shouldn’t do. I hope so too I’m excited for you and hope it go’s well x x 


I'm an approved visitor which we had to get done first. His is done via jpay, which is $10 for 20 minutes. Him and I can't do video visits because the kiosk for it is in the visiting room where other inmates are unrestrained. My love has to be in full restraints , with 4 CO's, 1 has to be a Lieutentant,and the 5th person video records. For obvious reasons it doesn't look good to have a prisoner in full restraints, and dangerous for him having other inmates not in restraints. This all makes him sound like a terrible person, but he isn't. 


I'm about to have my first video visit too.  Apparently, my penpal tells me (via Corrlinks), it's a flat $6 (on their end) and lasts 25 minutes.

I can't stop laughing about the whole "have to be stationary" thing! What is even going on? Haha I haven't heard of this.  I have this mental image of us all being like fucking statues for 25 minutes Hahaha


LOL at least for IL - his specific facility - the video visit rules say “user must be stationary or visit will terminate.” :( idek if that’s him or me but I’m not gonna take any chances during the first call.

GalapagosDiver - just in case you need some help with being a statue, IL PPP ;) Hahaha


You might find that you can't get Corrlinks to work in Australia. But let me know if you do work out how to do it.


Further to the point I have Corrlinks Video on my phone... and I've never worked out how to get my ping low enough for it to work... All the other tests pass but if you can't get the ping test to work then the app wont work. I would double check this before you get a video session and pay for it but can't get it to work.


Well there goes that idea then...


It sucks but its Corrlinks policy, I sent them an email asking them about it. They said that during all there testing that was basically the limits... You have to conside a one way trip from Australia at the speed of light takes 100ms by itself so 200ms or so seems reasonable for a round trip. The sad side of that is that we're so damn far away from the United States its just not gonna work.... I guess its one way of saying "invest in a plane ticket, the memories will last longer..."


oh thats sad to hear @frankiebones, hopefully JPay isnt the same, Eventaully down the track i'm hoping to visit with my of my pals that way once we have gotten to know each other more. though I fear it may be the same given the visable voice delays when I chat to another on the phone, i'm sure its the same with all services.


I'm still gutted by the fact us Aussies can't have Corrlinks video visits with our penpals.  If anyone out there in Australia manages to figure this out, please let us know?

Oh well, I've been meaning to head back to the States sometime anyway!


I'm hoping to be over there this time next year to help her out once she gets back in the real world. We have a really deep bond and it could be a very serious relationship. It annoys me also but its their rules... I've been even more annoyed than usual because the company I rent my US number through isn't accepting anything I press on my keypad. So when it says press 5 to accept the call, I can't... and its really giving me the shits because we have such a limited amount of time to make things work... She is in FBOP and works two job and studies and wants to turn her life right side up so we don't get much time just to talk as it is.