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Must read Terms of Service & Privacy Policy and be at least 18


Since my friend hasn't been able to find an attorney to help, where should he start. Should he try the civil case or go for the appeal? He wants to start stuff on his own but needs a place to start. Would it be wiser to start the civil matter since it lead up to his murder 1 conviction? Also does anyone know of a prior case where the state is shown responsible for defendents(mental) care. (He was ordered to go to an inpatient alcohol treatment facility but was kicked out after three days. The third day they told him to call someone to come pick him up because he was a duel diagnosis and was a danger to himself and others. He went back to DSHS and applied for funding to get the mental health treatment. He filled out a questionnaire and had an interview. He was denied funding. That was 1 year to the month before the murder 1 charge.) Thought that Riggins v. Nevada was the one but that deals with refusing treatment or meds. HELP! Thanks!