Greetings from the United Kingdom, from the wilds of rural Scotland.
We've had snow blizzards and below freezing temperatures for weeks now! but its above freezing now and the snow is starting to melt. I woke up a few days ago and thought I was in Alaska lol
I came across this site a few weeks ago and after hunting through the many people who were looking for a penpal, I chose one and wrote a quick message via the site to be sent to him.
Today the postman brought me a reply, a lovely letter. So, it looks like I have a new penpal, which will be very nice. I've never had a penpal before.
Nice to meet you all :aGoodbye:
Last post
Welcome to WAP!
Thank You
Hi celticprinces and welcome to WAP. As you may have already seen, many of us are sharing your cold weather. But, such is life. Hopefully, warm letters from your PP will take your mind off of it. We are glad to have you and hope to hear from you soon. Happy writing!
:welcomebluesign: to WAP celticprincess!
Thanks very much Xray, it sure has been cold here Brrr..but, the day after my new snowboots arrived from Amazon, the thaw has started and the sun is out, go figure lol
My first letter from my PP arrived yesterday and it was a lovely letter, it did take my mind off the cold weather.
Have a nice day!
Thank You YMIHere:wave2:
welcome to wap
Welcome to WAP......enjoy writing :)