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Must read Terms of Service & Privacy Policy and be at least 18


I was unable to find information about what's it like inside Gatesville prisons in Texas. Anyone know if there is a site which gives some information about what's it like living inside those facilities? I have pen pals at both Mountain view prison and Crain unit both in Gatesville Texas. I guessing living space is not the best. I also couldn't find information regarding visitations, whether they are contact visit (like in a dayroom) or behind a glass or something. Waiting to hear from the experts....thanks in advance for the education.



» Magnum is sick and tired of the prison life, but ready to look towards the future. In Texas Prison – An Inmate's Story

This is all I could find for now. There is a link to a great website that I found somewhere on the forum, but can't seem to find it for you now, I have to go out for a bit, but tonight I'll continue searching. I does have most everything that a civilian would want to know about life inside.


I was unable to find information about what's it like inside Gatesville prisons in Texas. Anyone know if there is a site which gives some information about what's it like living inside those facilities? I have pen pals at both Mountain view prison and Crain unit both in Gatesville Texas. I guessing living space is not the best. I also couldn't find information regarding visitations, whether they are contact visit (like in a dayroom) or behind a glass or something. Waiting to hear from the experts....thanks in advance for the education.


Hi, Gman!

In Texas you have to be either married to, or in family with the inmate to have contact visits. Until we get married, I have to look at my fiance through glass. Tough, but that's just the way it is. So if you go see your pp's, it will be through glass.

You find the rules for a visit here:…


Thanks Vikingchick,
Good information...too bad no contact visit allowed and this is for all women prisons in the area? I will be in country late summer or early fall (San Antonio) and wanted to take a drive up to visit. Right now I'm still waiting for the first letter. Boy they weren't kidding when they said snail mail. Like I said before I hope that stupid snail don't get lost on it's way to

sunray's wench
sunray's wench

All TDCJ prisons, male and female, have the same basic rules. You can't just turn up for a visit, your penpal will need to add you to their visit list and that can take up to 6 months.

My pal is at Hobby now, but was at Mountain View for a few years.