The first and last time I used the e-mail feature was back at the end of October when lots of people were saying their e-mail's didn't go through and they didn't recieve a confirmation e-mail from WAP. I ended up having to contact WAP and they'd told me the e-mail letter I'd tried to send didn't go through to them so I had to copy-paste the contents of my message to them. Is this still an issue? I tried using the e-mail feature again like 4 days ago but didn't recieve a confirmation from WAP this time either. Anyone know if that's normal or if the e-mail feature works right now?
Last post
I have sent some emails beginning of January, never got any email confirmation that they'd been sent. So not sure if its still the case, but now wondering if they were forwarded, after your question.
I sent B an e mail via here on 12th nov..he finally got it on 3rd dec..
You mean, the e-mail forward feature?
I used it 5 times on September; 5 times on October; 5 times on November; and 5 times on December. Haven't used it on January yet. Never got any confirmation from WAP that the letters have been mailed.
I am sure that 1 person I contacted this way on November got the letter, because she replied to me. As I live overseas, 52 days passed between the e-mail forward and the reply. Her letter was written approximately 30 days after I clicked to save my message to her.
Yeah, I mean the e-mail forward feature. So out of the 20 times you used it, only 1 out of those 20 people replied?
I've sent 6 (physical) letters so far and only had 1 reply, all from Europe to the US. So I guess it might not be that weird. I'd also love to know if the email system is still working properly however, I was about to use it because it seems to save time but my letters usually arrive to the US in 2-3 weeks, not 30+ days...
That's right! So far, I got only 1 reply from people contacted through this feature, and 2 replies from people I contacted through snail-mail.
Please notice that this fact could be a result of my personal selection criteria. For the e-mail forwards, I always prioritized inmates on the "needs mail" section, as you can check on this other thread: . I thought that I would have more chances of getting a reply, by selecting inmates that still don't have any pen-pals. But maybe they gave up of pen-palling, or just didn't like my letter.
Woah, that's crazy. For some reason, I thought the reply rate was pretty high; like 80% would reply type of high. Particularly for inmates not recieving mail. But, from my understanding, only those inmates who haven't recieved letters via the email forward feature are put on that list (meaning, they could still be recieving mail via snail mail, since WAP has no way of knowing about those)... This's making me question whether I should send out more emails lol
How long has it been since you sent those 6 letters? I'm in Europe too and some have taken as long as like 2 months to get to me- I think I'll send out another e-mail to someone tomorrow and then contact WAP again just to ask them if it got through to them/if the feature is working again. I'll post if they said it's working or not here tomorrow :)
That was my belief also, but that's not what happened to me.
Please, keep in mind that I'm talking about my own experience only. Check what other people experienced, it could be different.
I sent 5 emails off from here at the beginning of January and I have heard back from two already, this has through jpay and corrlinks. But at least I know the emails were sent.
Hi Stu, did you mean that you sent emails through here and received replies through JPay and Corrlinks? Or did you send and receive emails through JPay and Corrlinks? Thanks!
Sent emails through here.
Ah okay, thanks!