I was wondering .. I've just written a "WAP e-mail" to a pp (yes a new one, well I hope so !) and I was wondering if you have an idea about how many e-mails are printed out and forwaded to the inmates each month ?
Or each time ? (on the 4th and 20th ?)
I'm wondering because I've found a great pp using the WAP e-mail but I was suprised to find out that he got my letter (printed on the 2Oth) 11 days later (the 31st) - I hope it'd go faster.
Now, I'm thinking - maybe you guys get so many of them ..
Hope I'm not bothering anyone with my question !
Good night, because here it's bedtime :flasher:
Last post
Sandy, I use jpay.com, for two reasons, I send a little money once a month to my pp (entirely my choice to do so)....and I use their email system, daily if I want to, and he gets it the very next day - which is brilliant, coz I'm in Australia & he's in TX and snail mail takes 10-14 days normally. I'm not sure if you can email thru jpay, if you're not sending $$ too, I don't know, but worth a look maybe.
Guess you should ask one of the mods maybe they know how many wap is printing and sending each month.
interesting question, i look forward to hearing an answer, i would imagine that alot would be printed off... :D