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Must read Terms of Service & Privacy Policy and be at least 18


Hello this may sound strange but I was talking to my pp and they were feeling down and we were talking about how I am their outlet when they’re feeling down, but used the “esc” word. I’m worried that not even thinking this was taken out of context from what I meant. Could this possibly cut off all communication since the calls are monitored? I haven’t heard from them since. I can’t be the only one out of thousands of people who has said something without thinking, right? 

Thanks in advance! 


To be honest, I'm sure its context specific... "I read books to escape my reality" is very different to "I'll meet you on the road outside the prison with a truck after you escape." I'm sure its nothing in particular that has happened but it's easy to get caught up in overthinking things.

 It's not like your head will magically explode if you ever say the word escape again in your lifetime. Just send them a message and follow up with “I haven’t heard from you for a little while, how are you today?”



*LOL* this is very true, thank you. I guess I was just overthinking the situation you’re right it is hard not to get caught up thinking if you said the wrong things or not, I feel like I have to watch how I word things being in this particular situation. Thanks for the advice! 

Septimus W. Smith
Septimus W. Smith

I agree with Frankie, you are overthinking the matter. However, WAP recommends not talking about escapes, riots, those things that can alert prison staff. I don't remember where I read it, but it said something like: people who check the correspondence will not make distinctions based on the context (because how can they know what you really wanted to say?). Of course, calls are very different from letters, because writing can be reviewed and on the phone there is not much time to think what is being said. Maybe this thread can help you:…


You're welcome, there is probably nothing that will come of it.


I said something about stalking, and later regretted it. I hope it will be okay, though. 


We've all said something or wrote something that can be miscontrued by prison officials. I'm sure this happens all the time. 


I'm sure it will be okay...if it was flagged..they'd listen to the context and realise you said it innocently...don't worry..enjoy your phone calls


To get banned on here one would have to be a big jerk.



I think it’s good to have posts like these!  Definitely think everything is fine, it wasn’t meant like that, and there’s probably a huge focus on things getting checked for contraband.  My pen pal made a joke about stalking once, but it was VERY obvious it was a joke, and explained as one.  Definitely good to clear stuff up as a joke, or address anything you think is a concern, as I know everyone just wants to do the right thing on here.