This is very important to my son. I have tried for over 3 weeks to get his profile posted. My profile is there that I created so that I could post his. But have yet to find his anywhere. I had trouble from the very first getting it to save. Then had problems trying to get the photo on there. I put my card numbers in at the end trying to make changes to get it to post. It still has not come off my card. Someone please tell me what I need to do to get this resolved. I can delete and start over or someone tell me what I need to do. I have emailed admin several times... They told me to send them his information and DOC number. I have no idea what that is.....but sent them everything I could think of and also his photo. And I still have no results. Any help would be much appreciated.
Last post
Hi Patti,
Is your son in a state prison? If he is, the state has a department of correction (= DOC). The inmates get a DOC number, which usually is a combi of a letter and numbers.
If you look at the ads posted on here, you'll see that there is the inmate's name, his/her number and the address of the facility as to where to send the letters.
Hope this helps.
Have a nice day,
The DOC number of any inmate in the U.S. should be publicly available. Each state has some sort of inmate search on the web which you can use to look him up by name. What jurisdiction is your son incarcerated in. By that I mean the state but also the system. If he's in federal you'll need to search the federal system.
My son is in TDC in Texas. Not federal. I have went to several different searches by state and even not by state trying to find him. He's not on here. Thank you for your reply.
My son is in TDC in Texas. It's not state jail tho. Are you saying it's his TDC number?
Thank you for your reply. I need help. This has been going on too long. I just want to get it posted. I wished they would delete it so I can just start over.
The Texas DOCJ offender search is here at this link.
For example, here is the WriteAPrisoner profile of a random woman in the Mountain View prison in Texas. Her number shown on this site is #02116413. Here is that same woman on the Texas DOCJ website. Over there, the number is referred to as the TDCJ number. That's what you will want for your son's profile.
My son is in Venus, Texas. It's not federal. He has TDC time.
Did you manage to get your son's ad up? Venus is the Estes Unit, it's a private facility but run by TDCJ. If you can't find your son's inmate ID number on their website, you can ask your son, he should know what his ID number is.