just read bout this case a few days ago and i think this is so sexist! i can't believe that are goingt to charge this boy because he had sx with a 14yr old when he was 15 yrs ols is so unbelieve able and i thought we were out of the dark ages in ireland but i guess we are not! here is an artical on it you can all decide for yourselfs!
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I first wrote to a guy who is incarcerated for having sex with a 15yr old when he was 17. I think its ridiculous that he is in prison for that! Tell me that you have never had a relationship with someone older or younger than you! Makes me so angry!
i know thats why i thinks this law is so stupid like really there should be a change in laws really!
That's messed up! I thought normally the laws were written like "can't have sex with someone under 17 unless there's a two or less years difference in age"? I really dislike the fact that people convicted of statutory rape have to register as sex offenders. I think that fact alone is lessening the usefulness of the list. It should be that when you hear someone is a registered sex offender, you go "Oh my!", but instead it's like...."OK, but what for?". It's too serious of a crime, in my opinion, there should be no reason for the public to be so cavalier about it, you know? It needs to be actual sexual predators.
There are many "Puritans", in this world who think that there shouldn't be any sex outside of marriage. And, that marriage should begin at 40. At least it seems that way. So . . if 14 and 15 year olds, are having sex, they send them to prison. Quite frankly, I think that they might be jealous because they aren't getting any.
if this was facebook I would put a "like" on this status ;)